Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A glimpse into God's own country

I was once told that a travel writer should not be taken seriously unless they at least one article on Kerala, God's own country as it is called. I am dutifully redeeming my pound of flesh for the same and hope a touch of the land gives me good luck along the way. At the Delhi leg of the Visit Kerala year, the organisers put together an enchanting display of culture while the Director of Tourism shared valuable insights into the travel trends in Kerala.

I wish to focus on the cultural show. First up, there was Mohininatyyam on the enchantress' dance from Kerala.

Then came a short demonstration of emotions expressed through the dance form of Kathakali which originates in the state.

By the end of this display, I had moved forward from the last row to the the floor before the front row of seats for an unhindered view. Let me assure you, despite the saree, it was a truly unlady-like behaviour at display. Then, the moment I had waited for. My real-tiem introduction to the martial art form of Kerala, Kalariyapattu. Here are some intense moments:

At the end of the grand display, all the performers came together to take a bow.

This mister crept up on the audience quite unexpectedly.

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